Silverload Characters
Silverlode Characters
Alejandro Bardesano
An immortal swashbuckler with a heart of gold and fingers of butter.
An angry, unhinged clown looking for payback from life.
The Bounty Hunter
A serious-looking mulatto woman, armed to the teeth, who attempted to claim a bounty on Claire Teach.
Broken Claw
The strongest werewolf of Chief Silverfang's warriors; who was unfortunate enough to have faced an angry clown in man-to-wolf combat.
Sheriff Albert Bruce
Silverlode's semi-competent (and mostly corrupt) Sheriff.
Jackson "Wild Jack" Carson
A world-famous archaeologist and occultist.
Leonard Carstairs
An ex-cop and amateur detective who is hoping for a quiet life as pulp writer.
Father Javier Escarcega
Pastor of Silverlode's only Catholic Church, St. Augustine's, as well as a retired Hunter of the Dead.
Sylvia Franco
Italian archaeologist who is assisting British secret agents in Silverlode.
Ivan Gogol
Silverlode's most brilliant Mad Scientist without tenure.
Viktor Gremiko
Russian Okrana agent in charge of the Tsar's Silverlode operations, he was captured and psychically interrogated by Hiram Turner and Roger Zane.
Mathilda Yvonne Hattrack
A charming photographer who is also a secret agent.
J. Robert Hinkley
Enthusiastic student of Science!
Ivan Gogol's obligatory crazed henchman.
Frank Janecek
Astral traveler and sponsor of Catherine Meyers' formal education since the death of her father.
Jessie Janecek
Wife of Frank Janecek and infrequent Astral traveler.
Lionel Joseph
Solitary Buffalo Soldier who can talk to spirits.
Tornado Kate
Enthusiastic werewolf hunter and unusually attractive mountain girl with a knack for knocking out magical effects.
Peter Knutsen
Charming but slightly off-putting executive of the Quicksilver Mining Company who was discovered to be an Ultraterrestrial Invader From Beyond.
Andrew Michael Le Croix
Prominent Silverlode citizen and contact of both Mathilda Hattrack and Catherine Meyers.
Gordon MacAlpine
Good-natured Mad Scientist and founder of the Silverlode Institute of Science & Technology.
Boris Makarov
Aging Russian of extremely short stature who is also Professor of Engineering at the Silverlode Institute of Science & Technology.
Pierre Marrat
Former proprietor of the French Letter and suspected vampire with sorcerous talents.
Wayne McCoy
Vampiric gunslinger and reluctant hero.
Catherine Meyers
The graceful young socialite from Chicago who is now a student of metaphysics.
The virginal daughter of Chief Silverfang who was abducted by German agents for her ability to open a path through the spirit world.
Betsy Morris
A spirited young cowgirl, struggling to help her windowed mother keep her ranch.
Mayor Eugene Nicklefoot
The current mayor of Silverlode. He must be doing something right because people still move here in spite of all the vampires, aliens, mad scientists, and werewolves.
Dr. Tobias O'Neil
Respected surgeon and notorious high-roller in the town's gambling establishments.
Adele Parker
A Wild West Show Trick-Shot Expert who suffers from psychic episodes.
Arturo Sebastian Ramirez
A gunslinging musician and Hunter of the Dead.
Reinhardt & Reinhold
Twin train robbers that won't stay dead.
Virginia Rose
Virginal schoolmarm and professional victim.
Johnny Runs-In-Shadow
Exiled werewolf and performer in Jackalope Jake's Wild West Show who sold out his former chief's daughter to German agents.
Marcelo Saltore
A wealthy professor of metaphysics and engineering with a talent for sorcery.
Eva Schneider
Formidable older woman who is Heinrich von Loaph's right hand.
Chief Silverfang
The venerable leader of the local werewolf tribe.
Jessica Small
An adorable six-year-old encountered in the lobby of the Grand Hotel and abducted by werewolves.
Matsui Tanaka
Japanese secret agent killed before he was able to ally himself with Mathilda Hattrack and the U.S. Secret Service.
Claire Teach
Kind hearted owner of the General Store who is also wanted for practicing witchcraft back east. Currently shacking up with the chief of the werewolves.
Russell Timberlake
Gallant US Secret Service agent sent to investigate foreign interest in Silverlode. Killed by trainrobbers.
Hiram Turner
A former U.S. cavalry officer with powerful mental powers who occasionally does work for the U.S. Secret Service.
Heinrich von Loaph
Immortal occultist who is leading the German effort to find mysterious artifacts in Silverlode.
Roger Zane
A scruffy and malodorous prospector who has "seen strange sights".
For full Risus stats for some of the above characters (as well as details of their adventures), please see Silverlode 1908 at the Risus Monkey.