Werewolfs, wizards, and vampires
Werewolfs, wizards, and vampires
Here's a few simple rules to help flesh out fantasy classes
Transformation based on extreme emotional states. (GM will tell you of impending transformation)
Attempting to prevent a transformation is a difficulty of 15
Attempting to start a Transformation is a difficulty of 15
Attempting to maintain human thought during a transformation is a difficulty of 5.
These rolls are always in the Werewolf Cliche
a werewolf(1) cliche is recently turned and "hulks out" into a transformation. They cannot prevent it (as this is a 15 difficulty) and lose control in a rage if they roll less than a 5 in their werewolf cliche.(GM takes over character for current turn. player rerolls to bring themselves under control on next turn. difficulty remains at 5) A werewolf (2) still cannot control Shifting but stands a higher chance of maintaining a degree of human cognition At werewolf (3) they have a chance of controlling the transformation (either to prevent or trigger the transformation on a roll of 15 or higher) and are significantly able to maintain near human thought during the shifted time)
Werewolves receive, Cliche (X)+Werewolf (X) dice, for strength based and physical combat rolls when shifted.
A bar brawler(3) who is also a a werewolf(2) rolls 5 dice to pound a smug arse bastard(4) into the ground if shifted. Damage in combat is dealt to werewolf cliche first if shifted.
Werewolves must roll a difficulty roll of 12 to use intellect based cliches when shifted. this roll is against the cliche attempting to be used.
Wizard (3) Werewolf(2) attempts to cast a spell while shifted, roll 3d6 (wizard cliche) for a difficulty of 12. If success roll again for combat if neccessary.
Werewolf's roll at a disadvantage inversely proportional to the werewolf level for fine motor skill tasks when shifted.
Werewolf (1) rolls with a -6 dice penalty to play a stradivarious solo under his Fiddler (2) “not only fails but most likely snaps the strings and damages the violin itself” Werewolf (6) rolls with a -1 dice penalty (rolls 1 die
Blood Dice
After feeding a vampire gains Vampire(X) blood dice.
Blood dice may be used for a one time bump on any roll.
A Vampire (6) feeds. This replenishes his blood dice to 6. He needs to make a running jump from rooftop to roof top(difficulty 15). He uses his Circus acrobat(2) he feeds 2 blood dice into the roll and rolls 4 dice. He is now down to 4 blood dice.
Feeding(not out of a blood pack)
A vampire can feed by advising the GM that they wish to.
They must do combat with a Human(1D6) vs their Vampire level+1
A win means they feed successfully. A loss is fatal. They can run away with a difficulty of 10
A vampire loses dice at a rate of (Turns in the sun+1), beginning with blood dice, whenever they are in the sun.
Dice lost this way must be recovered by feeding
After Blood dice are at 0 the vampire loses 1 die per turn from each of their clichés, until they find shade.
Healing by feeding
A vampire that has been in the sun may recover Cliché dice by feeding. They must feed once to replenish all cliché dice. These feedings do not replenish blood dice.
Magic users
Learning Spells
A magic user must learn spells in world either through books or being taught. They can only utilize spells that they know.
GM determines A particular spells level for their world.
GM determines difficulty of learning spells in their world.
Casting Spells
Any spell being cast has a difficulty roll based on spell level.
lvl - Diff
1 - 3
2 - 6
3 - 10
4 - 15
5 - 20
6 - 30
Spell levels are not the level at which you can learn a spell. They are intended only for difficulty with casting the spell. A Lucky Druid Who Has Inapropriately Fondled The Dice Of Fate(2) could conceivably cast Merciful Bolt Of Painless Death(3) assuming they know the spell and can roll high enough. Heck if they have Nos Felatu(6) as a cliche as well, they could pump some blood dice into the roll and go for Ragna rock Concert(6) and really do some damage.
These rolls are always against the magic user cliché. Any spell with a difficulty lower than the magic user Cliché is automatically cast.
A critical fail (Rolling less than half the difficulty) on a spell results in a spell backfire. This will cause the magic user to suffer a 1 die penalty until they meditate on their mistake for turns equal to the level of their spell.
Get a PDF containing separate reference pages for each of these and a handy dandy spell sheet for your magic users right here on the Risusiverse