Rule Elucidation
Rule Elucidation
Explaining things in plain English
Standard practice is to add a new page underneath the Rule Elucidation page for your rule elucidation. Once it's complete, add a link to it here by adding your rule elucidation to the list. Don't forget to add a brief description too.
For Players
Appropriately Inappropriate - How the Inappropriate cliché rules can work for more serious games.
Advancement - Some thoughts on character growth.
Maximum Risus Fun! - An amusing way to create tales and backstories for your character. Get the handy form here!
Oh, the Insanity! - Adapting Call of Cthulhu's Sanity Mechanic
For GMs
The Risus Conflict Flowchart - A great thing for a Risus GM screen, both to help the newbies and to remind the old fogeys!
Risus GM Guide - A guide for would be GMs.
Target Number Roll - A tool for Risus GM to select the difficulty number of an action.
Winning Players Over - Overcoming objections to Risus.
Risus Magic - Detailed information on dealing with Magic in Risus.
Risus Cheat Sheet - A quick rules refresher, along with some handy success percentage charts.
Risus One-page Cheat Sheet - A cheat sheet for Risus with the author's preferred house rules and interpretations, condensed to a one-page printer-friendly sheet. Also comes in a two-column version.
For Combat
Grokking Risus Fu - Words of wisdom about combat.
Team Combat - An example of combat when using Teaming Up.
A Familiar Combat Example - One most of us can quote line for line.
Please Mind the Ability Gap - Thoughts on conflicts between characters of different ability levels.
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Death Spiral - Getting into the mindset of Risus' so-called death spiral.
Evening the Odds - Some more thoughts on how to deal with the gap between cliché levels in combat.