Risus Links
Risus Links
Because everything else can't be stuck to this pole
This is a place for links to sites that are specifically dedicated to Risus. Informative sites, social network sites, review collections, and Risus translations into other languages can all be found here.
Make certain you check out External Links for general RPG sites (the sites on this page are focused on Risus material).
Risus WhereToFindMe - A calling card of all the major Risus places online!
Risus Home Page - The official Risus site.
Risus on Twitter - This is a Risus-specific Twitter account - check it out!
RPG.Net Reviews - Various reviews of Risus available from rpg.net.
RPG Geek - The Risus informative page on RPG Geek.
Risus Tropes - A TV Tropes page all about Risus.
1d4chan: Risus - Risus has a nice little page on... whatever 1d4chan is.
Risus on Everything2 - Another review-style description of Risus on Everything2, a site dedicated to writing of all sorts.
Risus on Unpossible Journeys - This page gives an overview of Risus along with a quick crash course video on its mechanics.
Group Support
Risus on Reddit - It's Risus, on Reddit. Risus, now on the front page of the internet!
Risus Facebook Group - Risus has it's face up on Facebook as well, another social platform to talk about Risus!
Risus on Discord - This is the RPG Talk server on Discord, which hosts a #risus room, along with a couple Risus play-by-post rooms.
Another Risus Discord - This Discord server is totally devoted to Risus, with channels for online play-by-post and chat/voice games!
Risus on MeWe - One of the Google+ refugee sites, MeWe has its own page for Risus!
The Risus RPG Fan Forum - A forum for Risus fans.
Nearby Gamers - A list of gamers and their locations. Specifically, Risus gamers.
Risusiverse Google Group - All members of the Risusiverse have access to post their Risus thoughts in the Google Group forum as well.
Risus mailing list - A data dump of the the official Risus Yahoo! Group for all Risus-related announcements.
Risus Talk mailing list - Another Yahoo! Group data dump for the RisusTalk, ran by the fans, for the fans.
Risus G+ Community - A data dump of the Risus G+ Community posts and people. Got one for Uresia too!
Risus in Other Languages
Risus: il TuttoGDR is the Italian Translation by Max Lambertini. An Italian translation of Risus version 2.01 (by Roberto Bisceglie) is available as well!
Risus: Das Alles Geht Rollenspiel is the German Translation by Alexander-Lars Dallman, and the first translation of Risus 2nd edition!
Risus: El JDR Para Todo is Risus in Spanish translated by Joaquín González.
Risus: Igru Uloga O Bilo Cemu is Risus in Croatian, courtesy of translator Tomislav Šimat.
Risus in Portuguese comes in three translations: the first by Alexandre Amaral (Portuguese), the second by Gustavo Ito (Brazilian Portuguese), and the third by Silas Lima (Risus o rpg de tudo). Fascinating to read them side by side!
Risus: Le jeu de rôle de tout is the French Translation by celebrated French RPG writer Tristan Lhomme, along with Laurent Condon.
Risus: Alt mulig rollespillet is Risus in Danish from "Hedgerow Hell" author Lars Erik Larsen.
Risus: Het "Alles" Rollenspel Bas Snabilie brings us Risus in Dutch!
Risus, in Czech! translator Howie (a.k.a. LittleLi) from the Czech Republic didn't add an "Anything RPG" tagline to the title, but he did a nice PDF (Adobe Acrobat) file for Czech RPG fans ready for a little brain-lite gaming. Break out the extended-set fonts (click here for a Rich Text version)!
Risus, in Polish! There are two Polish translations, one by Slawomir Wrzesien (RTF only); another is the revision by Kamil Wegrzynowicz (RTF and PDF).
Risus, in Japanese! is just kind of awesome, don't you think? Matt Creech did the work. Another Japanese version from Woshidaya can be found here.
Risus: Altmuligrollespillet is Risus in Norwegian, translated by Gorm Rødder.
Risus: La Ciuspeca Rolludo is Risus in Esperanto, translated by Chris Gledhill, which means Risus can now be enjoyed in a larger number of awesome sci-fi settings.
Risus, in Chinese! This Chinese translation drifted in as flotsam on the Web, thanks to Mounrou. There's also a Risus v2 Chinese translation thanks to Shukongzhizhehuo!
Risus, in Russian! Folks who know me know I have a special soft-spot for Russian history and folklore, so I find it extra-awesome that Andrey Makarov did a Russian translation.
Risus, in Korean! Not only did Leon Kim give Risus a nice Korean translation, but he also translated a few Risusiverse articles as well! An online version of Risus in Korean is also available here.
Risus in Belarusian! Antos Ulasienka gives us both a Belursian translation of Risus, along with an extra gameworld writeup as well!
Risus in Thai! The user pume+ has provided us with a lovely Thai translation of Risus. The Risus in Other Languages list grows ever stronger! They're even working on translating the whole Risusiverse in Thai as well - Groovy!
Risus in Thai, again! Another Risus fan, pangloy, has been inspired by pume+ and down their own Thai translation with custom LCBs!