The Other Skill Axis
The Other Skill Axis
The Other Skill Axis
Shades of grey in the cliche
It's a very simple concept which some may like. Or not. But all the same, it brings out the fuller flavor of the cliche in character creation, and can make more gentle skill slopes in those games that permit it.
First, imagine: inept voyeur boy scout 2
Then imagine: inept voyeur boy scout 3
But what happens when: inept voyeur boy scout 2
becomes: capable voyeur boy scout 2
or even: inept but persistent voyeur boy scout 2
or even even: inept voyeur ninja 2
And after that, do you go to: professional voyeur boy scout 2
or do you go to: inept but persistent voyeur boy scout 3
. . . ? The options become astounding. Cliches become deeper. Wesley Crusher gains some meaning and sense of being.