Final Fantasy Risus
Final Fantasy Risus
Tabletop RPG's are awesome, but digital RPG's are also very cool. Wouldn't it be cool to play the most well known and profitable RPG series of the last two decades using a tabletop roleplaying system as freeform as Risus? Of course it would! (or at least I think so, I might be biased).
Genre: Fantasy. Always including steampunk or cyberpunk elements.
Tone: Serious by some degree. Can be silly at times.
Common Races
There are way too many races in the Final Fantasy multiverse to keep track of. Here's just the most important ones:
Chocobo - "Kweh! Kweh!"
You can't really have a true Final Fantasy roleplaying campaign without them, after all. These big, cute birds are fast and strong, often being used as mounts in most FF universes. But don't get it wrong, despite being animals, they are very smart and can understand common language just fine, as well as being adventurers. Chocobo come in some variations, like the solitary black chocobo, an endangered chocobo species known for their ability to fly, and even higher than a wind drake, but still not as high as an airship. Other variation of the chocobos are the fat chocobos, known for their big appetite and normally being leaders of chocobo flocks. Chocobo are mostly found in forests.
Moogle - "Kupo!"
Shy little creatures that share a special bond with the nature and each other, as well as the ability to fly short heights. Moogles are known for their little wings and pom-poms on their heads. In some games, moogles don't speak in any language and live in little villages in forests. While in others, they speak common language and live in cities along with other civilized races. This depends on which kind of setting your gamemaster decides to go with.
Dwarf - "Lali-ho!"
Short and ugly green-skinned race, but still bright engineers and blacksmiths. Speak common language, but covered by a heavy viking accent. Tend to form communities inside or near mines.
Pointy-ears, purity of heart, slightly shorter than humans... You know the drill. Also sometimes called as elvaan or elezen, elves are related to the dark elves, their chaotic counterparts.
Command clichés
The clichés in this setting are battle commands, so your character sheet looks like a combat window! These clichés define your character's equipment and abilities. Commands are unique actions that represents some of the characters area of expertise. If your gamemaster wants, he can allow you to switch your command clichés between each session, like an actual job system! Mind you, those are not the only clichés, and you can still create your own clichés normally.
Characters with this command show some physical combat prowess, as well as extremely strong and athletic, allowing them to wield swords, axes, and hammers.
Represents your character's vitality and constitution. Allows you to use heavy armor and shields, and to use it to take no damage when protecting a friend in combat.
Your characters finesse with ranged weapons. Allows you to wield a bow or a gun.
Can equip daggers, and represents your skill in stealthy actions.
Characters with the Throw command can use boomerangs. It allows them to throw anything at their opponents (including their own weapons and even gil!), making the enemy lose a die (two, if the item was a weapon, shuriken, spoon, scroll, or gil), but losing the item in the process.
This command gives the ability of incredible focus and wisdom, allowing you to bring forth your inner energies. Also improves your unarmed combat skills.
Thia command gives you deep knowledge on nature. Using it lets you call up wild animals to help. Target Numbers and abilities in table below:
Gives you access to spears and lances, allowing you to show mad acrobatic skills, and allows you to leap abnormaly high.
Your character's ability to drain his own life energy to power a powerful attack that deals one cliché die of damage to every enemy, but makes you lose one die for any of your clichés.
This allows you to equip and play spoony instruments. It gives you advantage when trying to impress someone, and allows you to play magic songs to help the party.
Let's you do charming dances to bewitch people and enemies. Improves your flirting skills.
Allows you to equip whips, calm and control animals and beasts, and improves your negotiation and persuasion skills.
Allows your character to control the surrounding terrain and flora for their benefit, like control nearby tree branches to attack their enemies, or control earth to change the course of a river.
Gives the character the prowess of an alchemist, allowing them to brew powerful concotions. Basic examples are mixing two potions to double their eficacy, or two phoenix downs to raise a cliché by full dice instead of one. Other items may be decided on the go by the player.
White Magic
Allows you to wield staves, along with the sacred power of white magic spells. Some examples are Cure, which restores a single ally cliché die, Cura, which restores a single cliché die for all allies, Esuna, which heals all negative status from an ally, Libra, which analizes all stats and weaknesses of an enemy, and Holy, a holy-elemental attack.
Black Magic
Allows you to wield rods, along with the destructive power of black magic spells. They can use Fire, Thunder, Blizzard, Water and Bio to wield the power of the elements, Flare to make a huge non-elemental explosion, and Death, to have a chance to literally kill someone!
Time Magic
Allows you to do all kinds of timey-spacey stuff. I don't even need to give a spell list, you can already figure out exactly what this command does. (it can also summon meteors, by the way)
Let's you call forth powerful creatures called Eidolons, like chocobo, Ifrit, Shiva, Ramuh, and others. You can only summon creatures that you were able to convince to help you.
Blue Magic
The power to learn abilities from your enemies to use it yourself. Allows you to equip whips. Blue magic learned must be forgotten at the end of a session.