XP Points

XP Points

This option replaces the Character Advancement option in the core Risus rules. Instead of rolling for Clichés used in each session, instead, players are awarded a number of experience points (XP points) at the end of each session. For long-running Risus campaigns, 1 XP point should be sufficient to give to each player once each session is over, but for shorter campaigns, GMs may want to give out 2 (or possibly even 3) at a time.

Spending XP points

At the end of each session after XP points are given to the players, players may spend accumulated XP points on the following options:

These options should cover anything a player would want to advance on their character (especially with the catch-all Something Cool option), but if a player wants something that's not covered on this list, they can work with their GM for the details and XP point cost of whatever they desire.