Western Clichés
Western Clichés
There's a shootout between some drunken cowpokes over at the old corral, the schoolmarm's been kidnapped by the Boulder Gang, a dying rider with an arrow in his back says that the Indians have attacked a passing wagon train, and Deputy Bob's got a bullet in him but Old Doc's passed out from too much whiskey. Just the start of an average day for a Sheriff in the Old West.
These clichés are divided up into some of the popular sub-categories.
Cowboy Clichés
Tight Ropin': Can toss a lariat aroun' somethin'.
Straight Shootin': Can put a bullet into somethin'.
Fast Ridin': Can stay on a movin' horse.
Hard Drinkin': Swillin' whiskey.
Outlaw Clichés
Backwards Shootin': Can shoot at lawmen while ridin' backwards.
Safe Blowin': No safe is safe from this handy outlaw skill.
Robbin' Stages: Without disrespecting' the lady folk, natch.
Lawman Clichés
Relentless Pursuit: Always gets his man.
Square Jawed: Resolute and handsome.
Super Six-Shootin': Yer guns never need reloadin'.
Indian Clichés
Scalpin': Like barberin', only closer.
Medicine Man: Kinda like Doctorin', but don't cost no money.
Archery: Killin' buffalo or cowboys with bow and arrow.
Army Clichés
Scoutin': Findin' a path through the wilderness.
Gatlin' Gun Operatin': Shootin' lots of Injuns real fast.
Grousin': Complainin' about Army life.
Townsfolk Clichés
Doctorin': Pullin' out bullets, makin' housecalls in a buggy.
Schoolmarmin': Teachin' settlers' kiddies, and meltin' a cowboy's heart.
Engineerin': Drivin' a steam train.