Character Gallery
Character Gallery
This page holds links to all sorts of submitted Risus characters, across a wide spectrum of genres. Standard practice is to add your character to an existing genre of characters.
Apocalypse Characters - The world ended, but these characters live on.
Castaway Characters - They only wanted the 3 hour tour...
Comedy/Toon Characters - Silly, absurd and cartoon characters.
Cthulhu/Horror Characters - Those who've seen too much, and deal with dark forces.
Cyberpunk Characters - Characters with mechanics. Not talking game mechanics either.
Espionage Characters - Spies and secret agents. For your eyes only.
Fantasy Characters - Sword swinging, spell slinging fantasy folk.
Martial Arts Characters - Experts at bare hand-to-hand combat.
Modern Characters - Just like you and me. In fact, we could be in here right now...
Pirate Characters - Eye-patched, one-legged scoundrels, the lot of them!
Pulp Characters - Gritty turn-of-the-century characters.
Sci-Fi Characters - Risus characters... IN SPACE!!!
Star Wars Characters - Denizens who'd fit right into the Star Wars universe.
Superhero Characters - Faster than making a Risus character, more powerful than a Cliché (6)!
Universe Write-up Characters - Characters from established fiction given the Risus treatment.
Victorian/Edwardian Characters - Old world England. The stuff of Romance and Steampunk.
Western Characters - These good men and women hail from 19th century America.
WTF/Other Characters - Characters that just don't fit in anywhere else.